Christchurch, NZ
The HPV Vaccine did this to my daughter!
Last update: August 2015
I could never get Briar to sit still, this was a kid who loved life, being outside and playing hard.
Then, just before she had her 11th birthday, she was given the HPV vaccine Gardasil and eventually I could no longer get her to move.
Briar had her 1st vaccine in May 2014,. Within 15mins she was pale white, dizzy, nauseous and complaining that she felt screaming in her head. The nurse told me in the coming weeks that she would get better. She was given her second vaccine only 4 weeks later, and within days was complaining of pain in her right leg.
I just asummed that she had hurt it at netball. Then, a few weeks after the second vaccine, she tried to get up and her leg wouldn't work; she could not weight bare at all; it was cold and purple. I have never seen her in so much pain in her life.
We saw so many doctors and none of them ever considered Gardasil to be the cause of her extreme pain, even though one doctor told me that he had seen quite a lot of girls aged 11 with complex regional pain syndrome, the same as Briar.
Her life changed. She was unable to attend school, she couldn't see her friends, or play with her brother and sister. And I never clicked that it was Gardasil that had destroyed her world.
She had her 3rd and final vaccine in November 2014 and, within 2 weeks, her whole body shut down just like her leg did. She was unable to move. I would sit with her hour after hour trying to take the pain from her as she told me she no longer wanted to live.
I watched her go from an amazing, beautiful wee lady, to a child that wanted to die ... and looked like she wasn't far from it. No one could help. No doctor could tell us why she was so sick, but they continued to diagnose her with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome on top of complex regional pain syndrome.
Briar is suffering needlessly, her life has forever changed.
She suffers from constant pain, coldness, colour changes, crushing chest pain, anxiety, extreme tiredness, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, weight loss, muscle loss, mood swings, collapsing up to 20 times a day and new symptoms that appear weekly.
I just wish I had known what risk this vaccine poses.
I wish I had researched.
I wish I had been told
I wish for my daughter back.
Briar's Give A Little page can be found HERE.
Watch Amber's video HERE.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Gardasil Awareness NZ or their volunteers.