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Health Links

Please note: while the links are provided here for ease of reference, GANZ in no way specifically endorses specific products, services or brands. Always take the advice of your practitioner when restricting or amending your diet or choosing a supplement regime.


Below are health stores, supplement vendors and practiotioners for you. Click the image to be taken to their website. 

Following, there are links to support websites for HPV injury support website around the world. 




Littlebird Organics

Organic, GF, DF, V cafe in Auckland. 


Xtend Life

New Zealand based Bio-available supplements

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Fiji Water

Filtered and pure water. Free from all Flouride and Chlorine

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Paua Clinic

Supplements and herbs from South Pacific College.

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Kind Cafe

Mostly Organic, GF, DF, V cafe in Auckland.


Hucklebury Farms

New Zealand based wholefood organic store.

Osteopath at Work

Stillpoint Osteopaths

Individual Osteopath treatments in Auckland, New Zealand

Homemade Remedies

Linda Lomberg, Natropath

Auckland based Natropath and BioChemist

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Ceres Organics

Organic Whole food brand



Supplement and herb Online store.


Chiropractor at Work

Ross Kean Kinesiologist

Contact: T: 021 260 3016





My Gardasil Story - WEBSITE


Australia - Guardians Against Gardasil - WEBSITE


Ireland - WEBSITE


UK - Consider Before Consent - WEBSITE


UK - UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) - WEBSITE / FACEBOOK




PO Box 28379, Remuera, Auckland 1541

© 2015 GANZ Site by Gardasil Awareness New Zealand

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