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Open letter to Pharmac



In view of the Nordic Cochrane report and the serious allegations by Dr Lee, as a member of the New Zealand public, as a member of the New Zealand public, mother, grandmother, tax payer and retired nurse, I respectfully request your response to the concerns detailed in this email. My concerns are shared by many parents and young girls around New Zealand and are being expressed internationally by parents, their children and organisations which have been established, to support young girls and boys who have been affected deleteriously, after receiving Gardasil.

I would like to draw to your attention the following points:

1. The placebos used in the trials for Gardasil, did not comply with the WHO Gold Standards for placebos to be used in 'new' vaccine clinical trials. They were not Inert, and contained a neurotoxic adjuvant, which was also used in the vaccine itself at the same time, as were other vaccines and a control solution, containing Polysorbate 80, L-Histidine, Sodium Borate and Saline. These are not placebos, and have an 'effect'. This skewed the data outcomes and the public has no awareness of this, believing the placebos to have contained just 'saline.' This is verified in the vaccine Product Monograph and other sources.

2. The vaccine has been found to contain HPV DNA fragments. This constitutes a contamination. No recalls have been ordered and no further evaluation for potential carcinogenicity carried out.

3. NO ovarian studies were done in trials and male fertility studies were limited.

4. Please read the VRBPAC and CBER findings on Gardasil in respect to prior exposure and Co-factors.

5. Please comment on the non-investigation of the NZ Scientist named in the allegations of Scientific Misconduct and Malfeasance (as referenced above), whose emails, among others, are in the public domain; emails that were released under the NZ FOIA. This has been in the public domain since January 2016. The Allegations were sent in an open letter to the WHO Director General, Dr Margaret Chan, by pathologist, Dr Sin Hang Lee.

6. It has been conveyed to a parent of a young girl in NZ, who has been severely affected in relation to the Gardasil vaccine, that her case number, adverse report/CARM), has been removed from the CARM data base; her case was deemed 'high profile'. This girl took part in a television documentary about Gardasil. This child, has not recovered from her injuries to this day.

7. There has been a concerted effort to convey to parents that it is important to vaccinate young girls in NZ with Gardasil, prior to sexual debut. This would seem at odds with established fact, that prior exposure can occur in utero, during birthing and via surface transmission, and that HPVs have been found on the tonsils and in the mouths of Greek, Japanese and American infants and children. Prior exposure, if then vaccinated with Gardasil, carries a considerable increased risk of cervical dysplasia.(ref. (VRBPAC)

8. This vaccine was fast tracked onto the market and has never been proven to have prevented one case of cervical cancer. It could not, as it has not been in use for a sufficient amount of time to determine or prove this outcome. Endpoints in the clinical trials were 'surrogates.' What is clear is that some girls are developing cervical cancers, after receiving Gardasil. There has been some serious word-polishing regarding its efficacy. Even the Australian who created it did not state it 'would' prevent cervical cancer, or 'had' prevented cervical cancer. This was supported by one of the Gardasil vaccine researchers, Dr Diane Harper.

9. There has been no acknowledgement for the potential for HPV strains that are eradicated, to not have that void filled with more virulent strains for HPV, which may be even harder to treat.

10. There has been no recognition of the fact that many CINs spontaneously regress; even some of the high risk strains, or the many ways in which these can be monitored and ways to promote cervical health and assist the host immune system to deal with these epithelial changes.

11. Given the 'undone' science, the Nordic Cochrane Complaint May 2016 and the Serious Allegations by Dr Sin Hang Lee of January 2016, none of which have been addressed by the New Zealand MOH, as yet, it is NOT in the public interest or safety, to continue with the administration of the Gardasil vaccine, or to extend its use.

Until these matters have been robustly debated and evaluated, The MOH ought to enforce a Moratorium on Gardasil.

They have an absolute obligation to address the Precautionary Principle and allow doctors and nurses to practice, in keeping with their oath, To First Do No Harm.

12. Informed Consent, The New Zealand Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code - These laws state that no person can be forced to receive treatment through the use of coercion, or can be forced to take part in an experiment without their consent.

Under the NZ Bill of Rights, any medical procedure, and vaccination IS a medical procedure, a person must be offered disclosure of risks and benefits, in order to make an informed decision.

At present, with so much 'unknown' about the safety of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, it is clear that the process of Informed Consent is being usurped and, in doing so, potentially putting citizens in harm's way. In fact, one could say that they are being asked to take part in an experiment, given the lack of science, eg. active placebos used in trials, no long term safety data, absence of evidence for synergistic toxicity.

The new medical conditions which follow are difficult to diagnose and treat. Recognition of this has not been given any consideration; so many girls may be falling by the wayside and are therefore statistically invisible. Routine testing appears to be inadequate.

Perhaps the time has come to look and see what other countries are doing in respect to this. Some countries have established rehabilitation facilities to assist these girls. Some practitioners are using orthomolecualr/cellular testing, and with success.

The serious adverse events being reported globally indicate an urgent need to address the unanswered questions, which have been asked of the NZ MOH and others, for some months now.

Health professionals, who have knowledge deficits regarding these matters, are in no position to consent for vaccination with Gardasil. Patients and parents cannot make an informed decision if their health professional is unaware of the trial data and outcomes, or the recent questions that have been raised by pathologist, Dr Sin Hang Lee (whose findings have been reproduced by Professor Laurent Belec) and the damming indictment against the EMA by Nordic Cochrane.

Is it appropriate to seek opinion from the public through mainstream media, on whether they feel extending Gardasil use is desirable?

The public have so little objective information on which to base their opinions or knowledge. Parents of girls and boys who are enduring the daily burden of the fallout post Gardasil would make a vital contribution to any discussion, if given the opportunity.

Opinions are not science. We must be clear on this. Evidence-based science and Best Practice are required to evaluate this matter, so that we can arrive at safe and sound conclusions. That said, anecdotal evidence must not be dismissed, so that we can avoid the errors of the past.T he anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

Given the undone science and erosion of best practice, I think it is best that those who have not done due diligence look to themselves before asking the public to guide them. The public, after all, have placed their trust, until now, in the medical profession, Pharmac, Medsafe and in IMAC.

Regrettably, vital information is not being conveyed to the medical profession regarding signals and alerts pertaining to the HPV vaccine Gardasil; with time constraints at clinics, it is an unfair expectation placed upon them to expect them to obtain a legal consent for this vaccine. It is also not fair to place nurses in the position of administering Gardasil, when the matter of adverse events is downplayed and they are running clinics and teaching about Gardasil in our schools, without an awareness of actual risk and benefit.

It is perhaps most surprising to see that Gardasil is included in the Level 2 Biology Assessment for NCEA; ironic, given the aim of the assessment is to determine a student's ability to analyse bias and non-bias, accurate and inaccurate information on Gardasil and whether it is good for their family.

As we reflect on the concerns currently being raised by esteemed organisations such as Nordic Cochrane/Cochrane Collaboration and specialist clinicians, immunologists, biochemists, cardiologist, neurologists and even paediatricians around the world on the safety and efficacy of Gardasil, this would seem to be an 'inappropriate' topic to be used in the NZ Educational system.

It may also be placing School Boards in an invidious position and having to consider their legal position in the future, in light of the Nordic Cochrane Complaint and other matters.

Interestingly enough, I am aware of some girls who have done independent reading outside the set resources for NCEA level 2 Biology on Gardasil, who have come to the conclusion that there are serious questions that have been left unanswered about the safety of this vaccine. However, because they do not wish to fail their assessments, they feel compelled to write what 'they believe is expected of them,' in order to pass.

One thing I trust that we can all agree upon, is the established evidence - that Pap smear screening and educational measures, which minimise the risk for cervical cancer, are not disputed. Pap smears have been the one single most efficacious intervention thus far. As CBER have concluded, Co factors have been deemed to be necessary 'with' HPV, to induce cervical cancer, not HPV alone. This is perhaps one of the most important scientific findings to keep in mind, when assisting the public with their knowledge about HPV infections.

I will look forward to any feedback you are able to offer.

A CONCERNED CITIZEN (name supplied, but withheld for privacy reasons)

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